1. januarNy branche: Andre organisationers og foreningers aktiviteter i.a.n.Applied Economics and Finance AssociationTidligere branche: Andre organisationer og foreninger i.a.n.
5. december 2022Nyt navn: Applied Economics and Finance Associationapplied economics and finance associationapplied economics and finance association skifter navn til Applied Economics and Finance Association.
12. oktober 2020Stiftelseapplied economics and finance associationapplied economics and finance association stiftes i branchen andre organisationer og foreninger i.a.n.Adressec/o Applied Economics and Finance AssociatioPorcelænshaven 16 A, 1.2000 Frederiksberg
21. juni 2013Stiftelseapplied economics and finance associationapplied economics and finance association stiftes i branchen andre organisationer og foreninger i.a.n.Adressec/o Applied Economics and Finance AssociatioPorcelænshaven 16 A, 1.2000 Frederiksberg