18. oktober 2023AdresseændringEagle Became Loudly WildEagle Became Loudly Wild flytter til ny adresse i Ringsted.Ny adressec/o Eagle Became Loudly WildToften 84100 Ringsted
18. oktober 2023Nyt navn: Eagle Became Loudly WildThe EagleHeart Mathneogram Your Life BodyThe EagleHeart Mathneogram Your Life Body skifter navn til Eagle Became Loudly Wild.
30. juni 2023AdresseændringThe EagleHeart Mathneogram Your Life BodyThe EagleHeart Mathneogram Your Life Body flytter til ny adresse i Ringsted.Ny adressec/o The EagleHeart Mathneogram Your Life BodToften 84100 Ringsted
30. juni 2023Nyt navn: The EagleHeart Mathneogram Your Life BodyThe EagleHeart Your Life BodyThe EagleHeart Your Life Body skifter navn til The EagleHeart Mathneogram Your Life Body.
30. marts 2023AdresseændringThe EagleHeart Your Life BodyThe EagleHeart Your Life Body flytter til ny adresse i Ringsted.Ny adressec/o The EagleHeart Your Life BodyToften 84100 Ringsted
30. marts 2023Nyt navn: The EagleHeart Your Life BodyTruth Between The StarTruth Between The Star skifter navn til The EagleHeart Your Life Body.
27. juli 2022AdresseændringTruth Between The StarTruth Between The Star flytter til ny adresse i Ringsted.Ny adressec/o Truth Between The StarToften 84100 Ringsted
27. juli 2022Nyt navn: Truth Between The StarPipilotta The Eagleheart Your HomePipilotta The Eagleheart Your Home skifter navn til Truth Between The Star.
1. januar 2021Nyt navn: Pipilotta The Eagleheart Your HomePipilotta The Author Eaglewisdom FoxyPipilotta The Author Eaglewisdom Foxy skifter navn til Pipilotta The Eagleheart Your Home.
31. december 2020Nyt navn: Pipilotta The Author Eaglewisdom FoxyChristensen Tojclairvoyance Gipsywoman EagletwistChristensen Tojclairvoyance Gipsywoman Eagletwist skifter navn til Pipilotta The Author Eaglewisdom Foxy.
24. november 2020Nyt navn: Christensen Tojclairvoyance Gipsywoman EagletwistTojclairvoyance By Christensen EagleTojclairvoyance By Christensen Eagle skifter navn til Christensen Tojclairvoyance Gipsywoman Eagletwist.
19. november 2020Nyt navn: Tojclairvoyance By Christensen EagleEagle Became Loudly WildEagle Became Loudly Wild skifter navn til Tojclairvoyance By Christensen Eagle.
9. oktober 2020StiftelseEagle Became Loudly WildEagle Became Loudly Wild stiftes i branchen kunstnerisk skaben.AdresseToften 84100 Ringsted
14. maj 2013AdresseændringByCoco & MeByCoco & Me flytter fra Ringe til Ringsted.Ny adresseToften 84100 Ringsted
10. maj 2013StiftelseByCoco & MeByCoco & Me stiftes i branchen sundhedsvæsen i øvrigt i.a.n.AdresseCarl Albretsens Vej 7, 1. tv.5750 Ringe
1. januar 2008Ny branche: Detailhandel med dagligvarer via internetCocodesign & Costum v/Natascha Annett Coco JensenTidligere branche: Detailhandel fra postordreforretninger.
14. juni 2006AdresseændringCocodesign & Costum v/Natascha Annett Coco JensenCocodesign & Costum v/Natascha Annett Coco Jensen flytter til ny adresse i Ringe.Ny adresseCarl Albretsens Vej 7, 1. tv.5750 Ringe
14. juni 2006Nyt navn: Cocodesign & Costum v/Natascha Annett Coco JensenFengshui & Costum v/Natascha Annett Coco JensenFengshui & Costum v/Natascha Annett Coco Jensen skifter navn til Cocodesign & Costum v/Natascha Annett Coco Jensen.
6. april 2006Ny branche: Detailhandel fra postordreforretningerFengshui & Costum v/Natascha Annett Coco JensenTidligere branche: Indretningsarkitekter.
6. april 2006Nyt navn: Fengshui & Costum v/Natascha Annett Coco JensenFengshui & Cocodesign v/Natascha Annett Coco JensenFengshui & Cocodesign v/Natascha Annett Coco Jensen skifter navn til Fengshui & Costum v/Natascha Annett Coco Jensen.