23. januar 2013AdresseændringInstitute for Creativity, Leadership and Management v/Scott WilsonInstitute for Creativity, Leadership and Management v/Scott Wilson flytter fra Mariager til Aarhus C.Ny adressec/o Scott WilsonSjællandsgade 132, st.8000 Aarhus C
1. januar 2008Ny branche: Udgivelse af bøgerInstitute for Creativity, Leadership and Management v/Scott WilsonTidligere branche: Udgivelse af bøger, brochurer mv. uden eget trykkeri.
8. august 2003Nyt navn: Institute for Creativity, Leadership and Management v/Scott WilsonInstitute for crativity, leadership and management v/Scott WilsonInstitute for crativity, leadership and management v/Scott Wilson skifter navn til Institute for Creativity, Leadership and Management v/Scott Wilson.
14. maj 2001StiftelseInstitute for crativity, leadership and management v/Scott WilsonInstitute for crativity, leadership and management v/Scott Wilson stiftes i branchen udgivelse af bøger, brochurer mv. uden eget trykkeri.Adressec/o Scott WilsonVestergade 19550 Mariager