1. januarNy branche: Andre organisationers og foreningers aktiviteter i.a.n.Student Union of Logistics, Operations and Supply ChainTidligere branche: Andre organisationer og foreninger i.a.n.
27. februar 2023 · pralerierStudent Union Of LogisticsVirksomhedsprofil af Student Union Of Logistics, Aarhus: Læs artikel
12. oktober 2022Nyt navn: Student Union of Logistics, Operations and Supply ChainStudent Union of LogisticsStudent Union of Logistics skifter navn til Student Union of Logistics, Operations and Supply Chain.
6. september 2020AdresseændringStudent Union of LogisticsStudent Union of Logistics flytter til ny adresse i Aarhus V.Ny adressec/o Aarhus UniversitetFuglesangs Allé 48210 Aarhus V
15. oktober 2019AdresseændringStudent Union of LogisticsStudent Union of Logistics flytter til ny adresse i Aarhus V.Ny adressec/o Patrick Tranekær HansenFuglesangs Allé 48210 Aarhus V
9. maj 2013StiftelseStudent Union of LogisticsStudent Union of Logistics stiftes i branchen andre organisationer og foreninger i.a.n.AdresseFuglesangs Allé 48210 Aarhus V