1. januarNy branche: Andre organisationers og foreningers aktiviteter i.a.n.The Association of Victims of Josefin CanfieldTidligere branche: Andre organisationer og foreninger i.a.n.
20. december 2024Nyt navn: The Association of Victims of Josefin CanfieldThe Association of Victims of Josefin Canfield's FraudThe Association of Victims of Josefin Canfield's Fraud skifter navn til The Association of Victims of Josefin Canfield.
17. oktober 2024StiftelseThe Association of Victims of Josefin Canfield's FraudThe Association of Victims of Josefin Canfield's Fraud stiftes i branchen andre organisationer og foreninger i.a.n.Adressec/o Advokat Thomas Torre ChristiansenSøtorvet 5, 3. tv.1371 København K