1. januarNy branche: Andre organisationers og foreningers aktiviteter i.a.n.The European Initiative for the Rights of the Palestianian PrisonersTidligere branche: Andre organisationer og foreninger i.a.n.
1. juni 2021Ny selskabsform: Frivillig foreningThe European Initiative for the Rights of the Palestianian PrisonersThe European Initiative for the Rights of the Palestianian Prisoners skifter selskabsform.FraFFOTilFFO
30. maj 2018StiftelseThe European Initiative for the Rights of the Palestianian PrisonersThe European Initiative for the Rights of the Palestianian Prisoners stiftes i branchen andre organisationer og foreninger i.a.n.Adressec/o Shadi LubbadLaskedalen 128220 Brabrand